JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the integrated industrial estate development project (KIT) in Batang, Central Java, to be completed this year. KIT Batang is known to be one of the accelerated National Strategic Projects (PSN).

This project will begin working in 2021-2023 with contractor PT Duta Rama-PT Gala Karya (KSO) with a contract value of around Rp166 billion. The progress of the work until June 2023 has reached 86.7 percent and is targeted for completion this year.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that in the construction of the Batang KIT infrastructure, his party continues to make maximum efforts by utilizing local workers and domestic products.

"The development of this industrial area is a new pattern, because it uses state land and facilities provided by the government, such as roads, water, sanitation, and housing. So, investors who come only need to build factories and operate immediately," Basuki said in a press release, Wednesday, August 2.

To support connectivity, the Ministry of PUPR through the Central Java-DI Yogyakarta National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) of the Directorate General of Highways, in 2020-2022 has completed the construction of regional roads and access to KIT Batang for 50.2 kilometers (km) and 10 bridges along 667 meters with a total budget of IDR 1.82 trillion.

Next, the Ministry of PUPR through the Pemali Juana River Basin Center (BBWS), the Directorate General of Water Resources (SDA), also built the main drainage of KIT Batang to control flooding in an area of 450 hectares (ha). The work has started in 2021 at a state budget cost of Rp46 billion.

In addition, the Directorate General of Natural Resources also built the supply of raw water sourced from the Urang River packages 1 and 2 in the form of reservoirs/reservoirs with a capacity of about 1 million cubic meters.

Furthermore, the water source from the Urang River Dam is used to provide drinking water for KIT Batang by building a Drinking Water Processing System (SPAM) carried out by the Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) of Central Java, Directorate General of Human Settlements.

Infrastructure support is in the form of construction of the Water Processing Installation (IPA) with a capacity of 285 liters/second, reservoir work of 4,500 cubic meters, as well as drinking water piping networks and supporting buildings.

In addition to providing drinking water, Central Java BPPW also built a Wastewater Processing Installation (IPAL) with a capacity of 18,000 cubic meters per day. IPAL KIT Batang is integrated with domestic waste from tenants that have been treated with the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) processing technology.

IPAL development is equipped with an 18 km long piping network using an HDPE pipeline with a diameter of 160-500 millimeters (mm) and 14 wetpit points to flow wastewater in graphitation to IPAL.

IPAL development began to be carried out at a state budget cost of IDR 344 billion in December 2021 and the current progress has reached 80 percent.

Another settlement sector infrastructure to support the development of KIT Batang is the construction of an Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST) with a capacity of 140 tons/day.

To support the Phase I area of 450 ha, the construction of 1 hangar unit with a processing capacity of 35 tons/day along with supporting buildings to process domestic waste from tenants, flats, and others.

In addition, the Ministry of PUPR also provides flats (rusun) for workers as many as 10 towers. The construction of this flat will be completed in 2022 at a cost of around IDR 429.2 billion, using a 5-story barracks type.

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