JAKARTA - The Boeing 737-800 commercial aircraft operated by Garuda Indonesia will carry out a ground test and flight test using bioavtur fuel.

To prepare for this, the Ministry of Transportation and the Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) conducted a statistical test which was carried out on Wednesday, July 26, at the Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) Building, Tangerang.

The Director General of Civil Aviation represented by the Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation Capt M. Mauludin welcomed the 2023 Bioavtur Testing on Engine Test Cell of GMF.

He also expressed his appreciation to GMF and all ministries/agencies as well as stakeholders involved in this bioavtur fuel development program.

"We appreciate the dedication and consistent hard work to this day to successfully carry out a bioavtur production test which has also gone through laboratory tests, static test tests on cell tests and ground test tests and flight tests on military registration CN235 aircraft," he said in a written statement Thursday, July 27.

Mauludin said the static test was carried out in preparation for the ground test and flight test on the Boeing 737-800 commercial aircraft operated by Garuda Indonesia.

"Indonesia has committed to carrying out climate change mitigation efforts and reducing emissions," he said.

In the air transportation sector, he said, the Directorate General of Hubud played an active role in fulfilling this commitment through the preparation of regulations, involvement in strategic discussions at the working group level at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and also trying to implement the ICAO policy.

In 2021, the Directorate General of Hubud collaborated with stakeholders from the aviation industry to formulate the State Action Plan document for the Carbon Emission Reduction in the 3rd Revised Aviation Sector which was submitted to ICAO.

Kami menyadari bahwa pengembangan bioavtur merupakan isu strategis. Terlihat dari meningkatnya kolaborasi antara berbagai organisasi dan industri penerbangan, ucapnya.

Mauludin said that the Directorate General of Hubud will continue to provide support for the development of this bioavtur and feel proud of the progress that has been achieved.

"Our work is still quite large in realizing mass production and the implementation of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in Indonesia, however, we believe, with serious efforts, Indonesia will be able to contribute to the world's SAF supply in order to reduce carbon emissions from flight activities," he said.

The parties collaborating in this activity include the Ministry of Energy for Mineral Resources (ESDM), PT Pertamina, PT Garuda Indonesia, GMF, BPDPKS, ITB and other parties.

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