JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo, started her working visit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), by visiting the Tourist Information Center (TIC) at Komodo International Airport, on Sunday, May 7.

During the review, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo directly monitored the readiness of the TIC as a means of providing information for domestic tourists and foreign tourists who came to visit Labuan Bajo and wanted to explore the potential for tourism and the creative economy (parekraf) there.

"This information center was established to provide information and support for the ASEAN Summit delegates, so that they can get information about tourist attractions, souvenir shops, culinary delights, and activities that can be carried out in Labuan Bajo and its surroundings," Angela said in a press release, Monday, May 8.

"This is expected to provide good impression for tourists, especially ASEAN Summit participants on Labuan Bajo," he added.

Angela assessed that the presence of this TIC was effective as a means to introduce and promote the potential of Labuan Bajo and its surroundings.

Therefore, at this TIC, various information facilities needed by tourists are presented, ranging from QR codes, tourist package sales brochures, pamphlets, Labuan Bajo tour maps, and also examples of creative products from local MSME actors.

"So, the international community can get to know Labuan Bajo as one of the five super priority tourism destinations in Indonesia. We hope that the presence of this TIC can also increase local public awareness of the importance of the tourism sector and maintain the sustainability of tourism in Labuan Bajo," he said.

He said, apart from Komodo International Airport, there were nine other TIC points scattered in hotels around Labuan Bajo. The locations of the nine TIC points include Jayakarta Hotel, Sylvia Resort, Parlezzo, Flamingo Wae Cicu, Laprima Hotel, Luwansa Hotel, Bintang Flores Hotel, Loccal Collection, and Meruorah Komodo Labuan Bajo Resort.

"I hope that the presence of this TIC can have a significant economic impact on the people of Labuan Bajo, so that our tourism sector can be stronger," he added.

For your information, Labuan Bajo is currently selected to host the ASEAN/ASEAN Summit Summit which will be held from 9-11 May 2023.

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