JAKARTA - The Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road tariff will experience an adjustment or increase. Where the new tariff will take effect from this weekend, to be precise Sunday, March 19 at 00.00 WIB.

The tariff adjustment is based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No.325 / KPTS / M / 2023 concerning Toll Tariff Adjustments on the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road.

President Director of PT Marga Trans Nusantara Plaza Tol Parigi Oemi Vierta Moerdika said the amount of this tariff adjustment was calculated based on the amount of the old tariff which was adjusted to the regional inflation rate.

"By paying attention to the balance between the ability to pay toll road users, conducive return of investment, fulfillment of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) and improvement of services from the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road for road users," he said in an official statement, Thursday, March 16.

He said, regular toll tariff adjustments are part of the form of certainty from the toll road development investment return scheme in accordance with the business plan to build a conducive toll road investment climate. As well as encouraging the ability of Toll Road Business Entities to improve service levels for road users.

The regular tariff adjustment has also been regulated in Article 48 paragraph (3) of Law (UU) Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads as amended lastly by Law no. 02 of 2022 and Article 68 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads as last amended by Government Regulation no. 17 of 2021.

The following is a breakdown of the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road tariff:

The Origin Of JC Kunciran's Trip, To Parigi

- Goal I IDR 12,500 which was originally IDR 12,000

- Gol II Rp19,000 which was originally Rp18,000

- Gol III Rp19,000 which was originally Rp18,000

- Gol IV IDR 25,000 which was originally IDR 24,000

- Gol V IDR 25,000 which was originally IDR 24,000

The Origin Of JC Kunciran's Trip, To JC Serpong

- Goal I IDR 21,000 which was originally IDR 20,000

- Gol II Rp31,500 which was originally Rp30,000

- Gol III Rp31,500 which was originally Rp30,000

- Gol IV Rp41,500 which was originally Rp39,500

- Gol V Rp41,500 which was originally Rp39,500

The Origin Of SS Parigi's Trip, To JC Kunciran

- Goal I IDR 12,500 which was originally IDR 12,000

- Gol II Rp19,000 which was originally Rp18,000

- Gol III Rp19,000 which was originally Rp18,000

- Gol IV IDR 25,000 which was originally IDR 24,000

- Gol V IDR 25,000 which was originally IDR 24,000

The Origin Of SS Parigi's Trip, To JC Serpong

- Gol I I IDR 8,500 which was originally IDR 8,000

- Gol II Rp12,500 which was originally Rp12.000

- Gol III IDR 12,500 which was originally IDR 12,000

- Gol IV Rp16,500 which was originally Rp15,500

- Gol V Rp16,500 which was originally Rp15,500

The Origin Of JC Serpong's Trip, To SS Parigi

- Gol I I IDR 8,500 which was originally IDR 8,000

- Gol II Rp12,500 which was originally Rp12.000

- Gol III IDR 12,500 which was originally IDR 12,000

- Gol IV Rp16,500 which was originally Rp15,500

- Gol V Rp16,500 which was originally Rp15,500

The Origin Of JC Serpong's Trip, To JC Kunciran

- Goal I IDR 21,000 which was originally IDR 20,000

- Gol II Rp31,500 which was originally Rp30,000

- Gol III Rp31,500 which was originally Rp30,000

- Gol IV Rp41,500 which was originally Rp39,500

- Gol V Rp41,500 which was originally Rp39,500

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