JAKARTA - The Director General of Housing at the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto, said that the IKN area is a form of real Transit Oriented Development (TOD).

Because, later it will facilitate the mobility of people from residence to workplace.

"If someone says that IKN is the real TOD, that is indeed true. We have to build this and make it happen in a directed way," said Iwan in the Cawang area, East Jakarta.

Iwan said, one of the key performance indicators (KPI) of the IKN development is that later on, the community will only need 10 minutes to walk from the residence to the office and public areas.

"The method is to arrange the space for the IKN itself with the orientation of the TOD concept," he said.

He considered that IKN was a solution because the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan had to start with the development of a new concept, so that problems would not occur in the future.

"This is intended so that the concept of IKN development can accommodate the TOD concept," explained Iwan.

Meanwhile, said Iwan, Jabodetabek is one of the areas that has become a pioneer of the TOD concept development.

"If the pioneers are indeed here, this is clearly a need in my opinion, Jabodetabek, yes, it is a need," he added.

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