JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) through the Industrial Human Resource Development Agency (BPSDMI) established a Career Development Center (CDC). This facility can also help companies to recruit competent industry HR candidates according to their needs.

"The background to the development of the CDC is the interest in the talents of the Ministry of Industry's education unit students who have not been monitored optimally. Several education units already have units similar to the CDC, but have not been integrated with the centre", said the Head of BPSDMI Ministry of Industry, Arus Gunawan, in Jakarta, quoted on Tuesday, February 21.

Arus said that the CDC developed by the Ministry of Industry did not only focus on facilitating vocational school graduates but at the same time, it could be used by students and vocational students as a means of screening talents, interests and fields of work in accordance with their education.

"To use the platform that brings together vocational students and industrial companies, users can access the website cdcbpsdmi.kemenperin.go.id. The presence of the CDC is in line with the vision of the Ministry of Industry's vocational education, which is to become an excellent and international standard industrial vocational education provider. ", he said.

Companies wishing to obtain information regarding the profiles of industrial vocational students, including their educational competencies, can take advantage of a feature or facility called Tracer Study.

"For industrial companies, information that is integrated into the CDC can help recruit human resources. Industrial companies can also provide advice and input regarding industrial human resources, for example regarding what competencies are currently needed by the industry so that they can be included in the student curriculum", explained Arus.

Furthermore, he said, users who wish to take advantage of all the features on the platform, both students and vocational students as well as industrial companies, need to register by contacting the admin for verification. "There are two types of user accounts, namely 'career seekers' for students, students and alumni. Then, 'candidate seekers' are used by industrial companies", said Arus.

For human resources, the processing industry is included in the top three in the distribution of the working population. In quarters III-2022, human resources for the manufacturing industry accounted for 14.17 percent of the workforce out of a total of 135.3 million working people, after the agricultural industry (28.61 percent) and the trade industry (19.36 percent).

"We hope that through this CDC innovation, more and more vocational school graduates will be accepted into the industry. On the other hand, industrial companies will also have no difficulty in obtaining competent human resources according to their needs", concluded Arus.

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