JAKARTA PT Hutama Karya (Persero) (Hutama Karya) as the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) continues to encourage the development of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) phase 1 infrastructure. Given, this is in line with the government's concern to accelerate infrastructure in Sumatra.

Director of Operations III Koentjoro said that in the near future the company will complete a number of phase 1 Trans Sumatra toll roads. Such as the Indralaya-Muara Enim Simpang Indralaya-Prabumulih section.

Then, the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road Section 5 (Blang Bintang-Kuto Baro) and Section 6 (Kuto Baro-Simpang Baitussalam) sections.

Koentjoro said that currently the work on the Simpang Indralaya-Prabumulih toll road has reached 90.38 percent, and Sigli-Banda Aceh Section 5 has reached 97.97 percent. Meanwhile, Section 6 has reached 85.05 percent.

"Meanwhile, the progress of land acquisition from these three segments has averaged more than 97 percent. So it is estimated that it can be completed on time," said Koentjoro, in an official statement, written Friday, February 17.

Alternative to Lebaran 2023 Homecoming

According to Koentjoro, if there are no obstacles to construction and land acquisition processes, these three toll roads are expected to be opened functionally during the upcoming Lebaran Homecoming in 2023.

Koentjoro said the construction of the Indralaya-Prabumulih Toll Road as far as 64.5 km, said Koentjoro, had been carried out by a subsidiary of Hutama Karya, namely PT HK Infrastruktur (HKI) since July 2019.

This toll road is equipped with a number of supporting structures and facilities including 8 overpasses, 18 bridges, 10 boxes underpass, 2 intersections, 1 rest area and 1 toll gate.

Meanwhile, continued Koentjoro, the speed of the plan on the Indralaya-Prabumulih Toll Road is 100 km per hour, so that it can be an alternative logistics route from rubber and palm oil plantations from around the area and also shorten the travel time of the community.

For information, according to government directives, the construction of feeder sections including the Muara Enim-Lahat-Lubuk Linggau Toll Road along 111.85 km of infrastructure development will be continued in stage 4, according to PRESIDENTial Decree No. 131 of 2022.

For the construction of the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road Section 5 and 6 along 12.3 km, the Functional Feasibility Test (ULF) stage was carried out on Monday, February 6, in order to ensure that all technical specifications of road equipment requirements and facilities are met properly and according to applicable standards and criteria, especially the safety aspect of toll road drivers traffic.

ULF's field visit, the team was divided into 3 subs, namely Sub-Team 1 (Traffic Safety and Management Sector); Sub-Team 2 (Field Road Facilities, Bridges and Buildings Completion); Sub-Team 3 (Operation and Administration Division).

Koentjoro also added, if the work on the results of the ULF evaluation is completed, then the Operational Feasibility Certificate (SLO) can be immediately issued as a green light to operate toll roads.

"If sections 5 and 6 already have SLOs, then Hutama Karya can support directions from regulators to operate this toll road during the upcoming Eid Homecoming," concluded Koentjoro.

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