JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation believes that the policy of implementing electronic road pricing (ERP) or paid roads can reduce traffic density in Jakarta.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, considers that the ERP policy implementation plan can be a way to indirectly force people to switch to public transportation.

"I think that (ERP) is one thing that can very well be used as a way to reduce traffic congestion", she told journalists in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 15.

However, Adita emphasized that this plan should not be implemented in a hurry.

According to Adita, the preparation of policy schemes and mechanisms must be paid close attention and socialization must also be carried out massively.

"But once again we really understand this must be prepared in such a way, so it is impossible to do it in too short a time without socialization", she said.

Adita said the DKI Provincial Government had also coordinated with the Ministry of Transportation, in this case through the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) regarding the ERP implementation plan.

"We have provided several recommendations, especially since the goal is once again to reduce congestion. So there are several things that we also provide input on. But once again this decision rests with the provincial government", she said.

Previously it was reported, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he would hand over the fate of discussing the Regional Ordinance Meeting which regulates the ERP to the DPRD DKI Jakarta.

"That's up to you, if the DPRD wants to return (Raperda PL2SE), yes, go ahead", said Heru when met at the DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, February 9.

Heru revealed, currently, the drafting of basic regulations to implement ERP is in the hands of the DPRD because it has been included in Propemperda in 2023.

However, in the midst of the rejection of several people towards this paid road system, Heru ensured that the local government would consider public aspirations before realizing them.

"It's being processed in the DPRD. It depends on the directions from fellow DPRD members, so let's follow them. What's important is that all our aspirations are considered", he said.

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