JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) ensures that the national supply of subsidized fertilizers meets its needs. This can be seen from the national stock position of 613,138 tons as of February 8, 2022.

This supply is equivalent to 162 percent of the minimum stipulated by the Government, which is 377,344 tons.

"So, the stock of subsidized fertilizers nationally is safe, it has been fulfilled according to the allocation set by the Government. This can be seen from the stock of Urea 309,869 tons, which is equivalent to 137 percent of the minimum provision of 226,846 tons. Meanwhile, NPK fertilizer of 303,269 tons is equivalent to 202 percent of the minimum provision of 150,499 tons," said Pupuk Indonesia Marketing Director Gusrizal quoting between, Thursday, February 9.

Gusrizal said that the stock of subsidized fertilizer consisted of urea fertilizers of 309,869 tons and NPK of 303,269 or each of them was sufficient to meet the needs of farmers for the next four weeks or one month.

The total stock of national fertilizer is spread across line I of 508,480 tons consisting of urea 420,126 tons and NPK of 88,480 tons. Furthermore, Line II is 183,337 tons consisting of urea 127,870 tons and NPK of 55,467 tons, and Lini III or warehouses at the district level of 613,138 tons consisting of urea of 309,869 tons and NPK of 303,269 tons.

Gusrizal conveyed that the safe stock of subsidized fertilizers applies to all regions, for example in West Java. He said the stock of urea fertilizers was recorded at 33,230 tons or the equivalent of 119 percent of the minimum provision of 30,026 tons.

Then, the stock of NPK fertilizer is 29,392 tons or equivalent to 317 percent of the minimum provision of 9,320 tons.

Therefore, Gusrizal ensured that there was no shortage of subsidized fertilizer stocks distributed by Pupuk Indonesia Group. The term scarcity is often mentioned by farmers because the allocation determined is not comparable to the needs proposed or requested by farmer groups.

The allocation of subsidized fertilizers itself has been determined by the Government through the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Determination of the Highest Allocation and Retail Price of Subsidized Pupuk Sector Agriculture.

In 2023, the Government through the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture (Kepmentan) Number 6 of 2022 stipulates a subsidized fertilizer allocation of 7,776,281 tons, from this figure the West Java allocation of 950,312 tons consisting of urea of 548,235 tons and NPK of 402,077 tons.

"In addition to allocations that are not in accordance with the needs requested by farmers through farmer groups, the term scarcity is also because farmers are not registered in the e-allocation but want to buy subsidized fertilizers," explained Gusrizal.

However, Gusrizal revealed that Pupuk Indonesia still meets the needs of farmers' fertilizers through a commercial kiosk development program or Pe-I Stores.

The kiosk sells non-subsidized fertilizers or other commercial products, so it is hoped that in the future farmers will not only depend on subsidized fertilizers.

Not only that, Gusrizal also appealed to all farmers who are entitled to subsidized fertilizers to redeem at the official kiosk.

The farmers who are entitled to subsidized fertilizer in accordance with Permentan Number 10 of 2022 are required to join farmer groups, be registered in the Agricultural Extension Management Information System (SIMLUHTAN), work on a maximum land of two hectares, and use a Tani Card (for certain areas).

In this regulation, those who receive subsidies are focused on urea and NPK as well as commodities that can receive subsidized fertilizers, namely rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, cane, cocoa, and coffee. These nine commodities are strategic agriculture that has an impact on inflation so that other commodities no longer receive allocations.

Meanwhile, in terms of distribution, Gusrizal revealed that Pupuk Indonesia had distributed nationally 771,921 tons as of February 8, 2023. This figure consists of urea of 471,992 tons and NPK of 299,929 tons.

Thus, the realization was 10.2 percent and 9.7 percent of the total allocation, respectively.

Meanwhile, the realization of special distribution in West Java, Pupuk Indonesia has distributed 141,438 tons as of February 8, 2023.

The details are urea fertilizer of 87,603 tons or already 14.6 percent of the allocation of 600,546 tons. Then NPK fertilizer of 53,835 tons or already 16.6 percent of the allocation.

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