JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan emphasized that simple packaged cooking oil with the Mintita trademark should not be sold online or online.

Furthermore, Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, ensured that the supply of 450,000 tons of Minya Kita would only be available in traditional markets.

"We check the oil again, we can't sell it online. We tell you to sell it in the market. But later there will be another problem, 'How come there are no supermarkets', yes indeed this is for the market, online is also not allowed," he told reporters, Thursday, February 2.

Zulhas said he would oversee the distribution of Oil Oil. This is to ensure that Oil is actually channeled to traditional markets.

"Every day we monitor it. We have 20,000 markets. If you want to stay in the market. If you can shop online, don't buy Minya Kita, just buy the premium one," he said.

As is known, the government, in this case the Ministry of Trade and producers, have agreed to increase the additional supply of simple packaged cooking oil (migr) and bulk by 450,000 tons per month for three months, namely February to April 2023.

Hopefully in February (increase production) due to fasting and Eid. Hopefully flood the market, so that in these people's markets it can also be normal again," he told reporters, written Tuesday, January 31.

Zulhas said the scarcity of oillicity occurred because shipments were reduced. The reason, said Zulhas, is that everyone has now bought Oil, because the quality is the same as premium brands.

"This oil is now a brand that is favored by every consumer, and he is not only in traditional markets but this oilimita has entered modern markets, modern retailers," he said.

In addition, Zulhas continued, another cause of the scarcity of oil is the supply of crude palm oil (CPO) absorbed for B35.

"Yesterday we increased B20 to B35. B20 sucked 2 million CPOs, to convert from being B30 it (needs) 9 million, converted to B35 it to 3 million, so it is necessary to 12 million, suck it again," he said.

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