KONAWE - The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Kemen PPN/Bappenas) inspects a nickel processing and refining factory in Morosi District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

Acting Deputy for Infrastructure Facilities Ministry of PPN/Bappenas Ervan Maksum said the review was to ensure that the spatial layout and environmental conditions in the industrial areas of PT Virtue Dragon Nikel Industri (VDNI) and PT Obsidian Stainless Steel (OSS) in Konawe were in accordance with government regulations.

"Our visit here is within the framework of the President's assignment to rearrange the master plans (spatial master plans, ed.) in 40 cities in Indonesia, one of which is in Konawe," he said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday 1 February.

On a working visit, Ervan was accompanied by the Deputy Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Lukman Abunawas, and the management of the companies PT Virtue Dragon Nickel Industri and PT Obsidian Stainless Steel.

The visit was called by Ervan to see and ascertain what is needed in the rearrangement of the spatial layout of the company's environment so that deficiencies can be included and rearranged in planning.

"So with an industry that has massively invested heavily, we want to ensure that not only the industry but also the environment and spatial planning are also getting better," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Lukman Abunawas said that the provincial government had carried out supervision at the start of construction and before several years the spatial layout was going well.

He said that at the beginning of the start of construction of the mining industry, there were spatial planning problems, but after two years everything was back to normal.

"So there are no problems with development planning issues that we always expect in accordance with the arrangement of urban areas and their designations," he said.

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