JAKARTA - Bank DKI's active steps in encouraging digitalization transformation since 2021 have been appreciated again by independent institutions. Most recently, Bank DKI won another award in early 2023, as the Indonesia Best BUMD Awards 2023 in Innovation and Creative Appropriate Strategy, in the BPD category.

The award was received directly by the President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy at the Indonesia Best BUMD Awards 2023, Improved Regional Accessibility Towards a Sustainable Economy which was held online on Tuesday 31 January.

The award achievement also complements the brilliant achievement of Bank DKI at the beginning of 2023. Previously, Bank DKI had just bought up a total of 11 award categories at once, including five categories of awards as Best BPD Rank I in the event 6th Satisfaction, Loyalty, Engagement and Corporate Reputation Awards 2023 by Infobank magazine. One of the specials, Bank DKI was named The Best Regional Bank In Corporate Reputation 2023.

President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy, expressed his gratitude to all customers, working partners, and stakeholders of Bank DKI who continue to provide trust in Bank DKI products and services.

"This award is a valuable appreciation for Bank DKI's commitment to carrying out its role as a collaborator of economic growth in the regions, especially DKI Jakarta, which we have realized through the development and innovation of digital-based products and services for customer satisfaction. This award also shows that the strategic steps for Transformation 5.0 currently being carried out by Bank DKI are on the right track to increase Bank DKI's capabilities and capacity in responding to challenges in the VUCA era and increasingly tight competition for service digitization in the banking and financial industries," said Fidri.

Furthermore, Fidri said that Bank DKI also continues to strive to provide digital-based services to encourage the implementation of non-cash transactions. Most recently, in the form of simple apps namely JakOne Pay and New JakOne Mobile super apps.

New JakOne Mobile comes with a more attractive and user friendly appearance and increasingly complete features, including online account opening and depositing features without having to visit branch offices, transaction payments with QRIS, payments for various bills and online shopping, electronic money top ups, giving/donating, to cash withdrawal Mobile Cash features at cardless ATMs that can be made at Bank DKI ATMs and other banks that work together, such as BNI Bank ATMs, and CIMB Niaga ATMs with prime logos.

In addition, it also includes the JakOne Abank application and the development of Digital Lending which is expected to maximize the application of financial inclusion for MSME actors so that they are able to accelerate economic growth, especially in DKI Jakarta.

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For information, the award is given based on the results of research conducted by the research team Warta Ekonomi to BUMDs from various fields throughout Indonesia, which are considered to have contributed very well to regional development, corporate innovation, and community service.

The assessment is carried out through financial performance and corporate strategic policies in innovating products and services, business strategies, integration, or business expansion, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, namely desk research, media monitoring, and experts.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added that this award motivates Bank DKI to continue to innovate and improve the company's competitiveness, services and performance in a sustainable manner to support the acceleration of national economic recovery or development in the regions.

"Facing 2023, Bank DKI is ready to continue to deliver innovation through synergy and collaboration with various parties, including increasing financial carrying capacity through digitalization, in order to ensure the progress of the community and regional economy as well as sustainable business development of Bank DKI," said Arie.

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