JAKARTA - The North Sulawesi Region Settlement Infrastructure Center, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has built a drinking water supply system (SPAM) supporting the Special Economic Zone (KEK) for Likupang Tourism, North Minahasa Regency.

"This year, the SPAM supporting the Likupang SEZ will be built with a capacity of about 20 liters per second and has potential that can be developed more than that," said Head of Region I BPPW North Sulawesi, Aljihat in Manado, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 30.

In addition to supporting the Likupang Tourism SEZ, the 20 liters of water per second will also be used to meet the water needs of settlements around the SEZ.

At the end of last year, he said, a legal opinion was issued from the High Prosecutor's Office that the land to build drinking water facilities should be provided by PDAM or the North Minahasa Regency Government.

"So it's not from the Ministry of PUPR, this will be the talk so that it can be clear and clean before we start construction," said Aljihat.

He hopes that, while the tender process runs, the land can be completed, especially since the land is under the control of PT Perkebunan Nusantara so that it will be easier to coordinate.

He traced, it is very unfortunate that in 2020 and 2021 the budget for the construction of the Likupang SEZ was returned due to land that was not 'clear' and 'clean'.

He hopes that incidents like this will not happen, especially this year the construction of SPAM supporting the Likupang SEZ has entered the tender finalization process.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/The Tourism and Creative Economy Agency is developing super priority tourism destinations in Indonesia, namely Borobudur, Mandalika, Lake Toba, Labuan Bajo, and Likupang.

After being established, the central government through the Ministry of PUPR continues to build supporting infrastructure in the area.

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