JAKARTA - The Papua and Maluku Regional Oil and Gas Entrepreneurs Association (Hiswana Migas) encourages six-wheeled vehicles to immediately use the MyPertamina QR code when purchasing diesel-type fuel oil (BBM) at public refueling stations (SPBU).
The General Chairperson of the Hiswana Migas Regional Papua and Maluku Ledrik Lekenila said that based on the data obtained, the use of the QR code in Jayapura City and Regency was 80 percent, so that the remaining 20 percent was left, so it was hoped that the community could register.
"Vehicles using diesel fuel are subject to a restriction where for six-wheelers and under it is 60 liters, while six-wheelers and above are 120 liters," he said, in Jayapura, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 24.
According to Ledrik, by using the QR code, the use of subsidized fuel will be right on target in Tanah Papua.
"This is in accordance with applicable regulations, but vehicles that do not use the QR code will be directed to buy non-subsidized diesel fuel such as Dexlite," he said.
Meanwhile, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Communication, Relations & CSR Area Manager for Papua-Maluku Edi Mangun said that the City and Jayapura Regency and Mimika Regency areas had implemented a QR code so that the program for using subsidized fuel could be right on target.
"The implementation of the purchase of subsidized fuel using the QR code which is carried out in the Jayapura City and Regency area is still intended for the purchase of subsidized diesel fuel, while in Mimika Regency, Central Papua, subsidized fuel for diesel and Pertalite types for four-wheeled vehicles or more," he said.
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