JAKARTA - Member of the Committee for the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Saleh Abdurahman revealed that the revision of Presidential Regulation 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel (BBM) has entered its final stage.

According to Saleh, based on the plan, the Presidential Decree will be issued in January or February this year.

"Our hope is January or February this year," he said at the Energy Corner, Monday, January 9.

Saleh added, for now all stages of the administrative process have entered the final stage. However, due to various considerations, the Presidential Regulation has not yet been issued.

"Substantively it's clear, but the President has his own considerations with various aspects, so it's good that we are waiting for the Presidential Decree to be published," he added.

To compile this Presidential Regulation revision, BPH Migas also collaborated with various stakeholders and was assisted by the Center for Energy Studies at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) to take into account various risks.

"I think the consideration regarding this Presidential Regulation is multi-asspected, so the revision of the Presidential Regulation must wait and re-check and count again," said Saleh.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga conveyed that the purchase of subsidized fuel through the MyPertamina application had not yet run. This is because the revision of Presidential Decree 191 of 2014 has not yet been completed.

The revised Perpres will reportedly regulate the criteria for vehicles that are entitled to buy Pertalite fuel. Pertamina itself is still collecting data on vehicles.

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