JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir is preparing strategic steps to suppress potential irregularities in BUMN. One of them is by making a blacklist or blacklist.

Erick did not work alone in preparing the BUMN Black List. Erick also involved the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to conduct an audit of SOEs.

Therefore, Erick warned the directors of state-owned companies not to deviate. One of them is related to the sale and purchase of positions.

"I encourage blacklist with BPKP. Don't buy and sell positions," he told reporters, written on Tuesday, January 3.

Erick said, the names included in the blacklist or blacklist from the results of the BPKP audit could not be revoked. Except for the president's approval.

"Only the President of the Republic of Indonesia can withdraw the results of the BPKP audit," he said.

Erick said, the blacklist is one of four major agendas at the Ministry of SOEs. The other three big agendas are First, making a Blueprint 2024-2034.

Then secondly, the BUMN version of the Omnibus Law through an downsizing of 45 Permen to only three Permen. Third, look back at the performance of pension funds in BUMN.

Omnibus BUMN so that the 45 existing regulations are cut to three, because previously it was not read. After three regulations, all Directors and Commissioners must memorize it. Everything is regulated, including the meaning of the assignment," said Erick.

Erick also emphasized the need for two things in carrying out SOEs with the AKHLAK Core Value. First, there is strong leadership. Second, there is a system or SOP.

"It is impossible for leadership without a system or SOP, it will be absolutely corrupt. Likewise, if there is a system but there is no leadership, then the business will not work either," said Erick.

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