JAKARTA - In order to support the distribution of subsidized fertilizers according to the Government allocation and 6T principles, namely, quality, right number, right type, right price, on time and on the right place, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) agreed to cooperate with the Bali Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Office in implementing the digitization system of the agricultural sector.

This agreement is contained in the MoU of Agricultural Monitoring and Evaluation System Development Cooperation in the Bali region. This collaboration was signed directly by the Director of Business Transformation for Pupuk Indonesia, Panji Winanteya Ruky and the Head of the Bali Province Agriculture and Food Security Service, I Wayan Sunada.

Also watching the Pupuk Indonesia Marketing Operation SEVP, Gatoet Gembiro Noegroho, SVP Planning & Management of PSO Pupuk Indonesia, Eric Juliana Rachman, SPM Digital Transformation, Ari Novan Setiono and SPM Subsidi Pupuk Reform, Maslani.

"To advance the agricultural sector in Bali through technology, through digitalization, that way we can increase productivity, we can increase efficiency from farmers, and of course we can avoid, for example, crop failure, pest attacks and others," said Director of Transformation for Pupuk Indonesia, Panji Winanteya Ruky in his statement, Friday, December 30.

Panji said that Pupuk Indonesia as the producer and distributor of subsidized fertilizers has made various efforts to support the distribution process. One of them is through piloting trials for the use of Partner Applications which began in September 2022 in Bali Province. At least, this digitalization system has been implemented 100 percent in 152 complete fertilizer kiosks (KPL) spread across nine districts/cities.

According to him, the Partners application provides convenience for farmers who want to redeem subsidized fertilizers. This is because farmers who receive the allocation of fertilizer subsidies only need to bring their Identity Cards (KTP). Apart from Bali, currently there are 27,500 KPLs that have installed and used the Partners application even though they have only just been used to report stock and record retail or non-subsidized product transactions.

"The Partner Application also accommodates the restoration in groups by the head of subak/tani groups or their representatives. This is of course in line with our goal to make it easier but still accountable and on target," said Panji.Pupuk Indonesia together with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) also developed and tested the spatial data collection system for agricultural land starting in November 2022. The implementation of this digital system aims to improve the planning and data collection side. This system has recorded around 8,000 farmers, 141,000 plots of land, and about 3,500 hectares of land in Penebel District, Tabanan, Bali.

That way, said Panji, the digital agricultural sector system that has been implemented by Pupuk Indonesia in Bali Province is in accordance with the mandate contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Determination of the Highest Retail Allocation and Price (HET) of Pupuk Subsidized Agricultural Sector.

SPM Reform Subsidi Pupuk, Maslani explained that the signing of this cooperation MoU was a follow-up to the collaboration between Pupuk Indonesia and the Bali Province Agriculture & Food Security Service. The reason is, Bali is the location for the pilot project for the development of the Pupuk Indonesia Group digital system.

"We are also ready to collaborate in terms of digitizing agricultural cultivation as well as related to fertilizers, and other digitizations, such as those related to cultivation, planting period, harvest period and so on, we can digitize it together and we can monitor it together which will improve the performance of the Indonesian agriculture and Pupuk offices," said Maslani.

Pupuk Indonesia itself has implemented a digital system from Lini I to Lini IV (Kios). That way, this existing digital system can be integrated with the digital system owned by the Agriculture Service and even developed together. On the same occasion, the Head of the Bali Province Agriculture and Food Security Service, I Wayan Sunada welcomed the MoU on Monitoring System Development and Agricultural Evaluation in the Bali region. According to him, this signed collaboration had a positive impact on both the distribution process and the slaughter of fertilizers.

"In an effort to facilitate the absorption of fertilizers in the field, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) implements digital applications, Retail Management System or Partners that facilitate the sale of retail and subsidized fertilizers in kiosks. I hope that the Partner application makes it easier and helps kiosks monitor sales or provide efficiency in recording and transaction matters, even this digital system can increase transparency in fertilizer distribution," he concluded.

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