YOGYAKARTA - Culinary is a business choice that never dies or never loses a consumer. This business sells products that are primary human needs, namely eating. This type of business is called the F&B business or food & beverage service.

The F&B service is a service business related to food and beverage. The F&B refers to the service and presentation of a dish or food to customers. This type of business is very diverse and easy to find around, from small to large scopes.

F&B is a business choice because it offers very promising benefits. The choice of products and business concepts is also very diverse. So what are the types of F&B and its responsibilities?

Food & Beverage service is a service for serving and serving dishes, ranging from food products to drinks. A number of business experts say that F&B service is a service that is responsible for providing food and beverage needs.

F&B can be interpreted as a business or food service and fast food drink to customers. Examples of easy-to- FIND F&B businesses, such as food stalls, restaurants, cafes, and others. This type of business is not only focused on the products sold, but also provides good services so that consumers feel comfortable eating dishes.

There are many types of F&B business services that are easy to find. Here are various types of food & beverage services.

Restaurants are one type of food & beverage service. Restaurants are commercially managed places to provide food and beverage services to buyers or consumers.

Another type of F&B business that we also usually find is a snack This type of business performs special food and beverage services when there is an event. This service is usually used to hold parties or banquet meetings. You need to order a banquet long before the day of H or the time of implementation.

The service provider will serve food and beverage dishes according to the orders you have booked. When placing an order, you will deliver the event time, the number of participants, to the ordered menu. Many of these types of services provide a special multipurpose place for meetings.

This type of business is indeed identical to alcoholic beverages. Bar is included in the type of F&B service because it provides consumption products in the form of drinks. Actually, bars also provide alcoholic drinks. When ordering drinks at bars, your order must be taken at that time. So you can't bring home drinks or take away concepts.

ward is also included in the F&B service.ward is tasked with caring for and managing all eating and cooking utensils. All equipment for processing and serving food will be taken care of by stewards. It is also responsible for operating in the kitchen.

Room service is also included in the F&B business. Room service usually provides food and beverage services to customer rooms, either in hotels, guest houses, or other forms of lodging. Inn guests can order F&B services by phone which are usually available in every room. Once you are processed, hotel employees will deliver your ordered food to the room.

The F&B service business has several goals, as follows:

That is the explanation of the F&B service and its types of businesses that are often found in everyday life. F&B service is not only focused on the products sold, but also on its services. This type of business always prioritizes the comfort and satisfaction of consumers or customers.

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