JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno wants Indonesian creative economy products such as fashion and culinary to be used or consumed during the Hajj and Umrah process.

Sandiaga conveyed this wish during his meeting with the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tawfiq Fawzan Al Rabiah some time ago on the sidelines of the "World Travel and Tourism Council" in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Sandiaga expressed this hope that even Indonesian creative economy products should be used by pilgrims from all countries in the world.

"One of the interesting things is the meeting with the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where we are exploring the importance of Indonesia's creative economy products being used more in the Hajj and Umrah procession," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno in his statement, Friday, December 2.

Sandiaga said Saudi Arabia is currently trying to increase tourist visits with a target of reaching 100 million per year, one of which is supported by Hajj and Umrah activities.

"This means that the need for Indonesian creative economy products starting from culinary, this fashion is very high. That's why our meeting which is a follow-up to the meeting in Jakarta is very crucial."

"Because he also wants a comprehensive partnership where not only Indonesian products in the culinary field can be enjoyed by Indonesian pilgrims but can also be offered as a means for pilgrims from other countries as well as fashion products that can become superior products," Sandiaga said.

Currently, said Sandiaga, the export of Indonesia's creative economy products is supported by fashion sub-sectors with a total of more than 66 percent.

"Therefore, we also encourage some souvenir products that can be offered to enter Indonesia with a collaboration concept where there will be joint investment to open the widest possible business opportunities and employment opportunities," he said.

Sandiaga said that this very strategic meeting will be followed up with several activities that encourage market opportunities with the target of increasing exports of Indonesia's creative economy products to above 20 percent in the next three to five years. "So that it will achieve the target of a total of 30 billion US dollars, and this is one of the originators and triggers for the creation of 700,000 new jobs in the creative economy sector in 2022," he said.

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