Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani encourages all government agencies that propose development or asset procurement to make comprehensive utilization plans.

According to him, this is very important to ensure the benefit side of assets, considering that every rupiah issued is state money that must be accounted for to the community.

"Don't just ask for a budget and get assets, after the project is complete, it's as if everything has been completed," he said in Jakarta on Wednesday, November 23.

The Minister of Finance added that all parties involved in asset management and utilization must be able to build a culture of high sense of belonging. This attitude is important in order to keep all state property in good condition and contribute to the economy.

"If we have assets and get greater benefits than the cost of building them, then the people will be satisfied because the tax money they provide is used properly," he said.

Therefore, the state treasurer warned that some state assets should not be'sleeping', let alone being neglected.

"Often we consider this state-owned and then we feel like we don't care and don't take care of it. This happens a lot, there are plots of land, there are offices that are strategically located and these are only used for warehouses. In fact, they are completely empty and maybe the place is tuyul," he said.

According to VOI records, the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance had released information if there was an increase in state assets of IDR 4,397 trillion to IDR 11,098 trillion at the end of the 2020 period.

Of this figure, 59.3 percent of them or equivalent to Rp6,585 trillion are assets in the form of state property (BMN).

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