YOGYAKARTA - The process of borrowing at a bank requires a BI Checking. That's the first thing you have to find out before applying for a mortgage to a bank.

The reason is, if your name and history are included in the BI Checking blacklist, therefore it is certain that the progress of applying for a mortgage is a wasteful step.

"But there's a way to bleach BI checking, calm down...

How to Cover BI Checking

The BI checking bleaching system is with you recovering the debtor's rating. You are given 6 months to run BI checking bleaching.

After doing BI checking bleaching and getting first place again, you can only apply for new credit.

If you are ranked third, then you have received a warning. The best system to pass BI Checking is to pay off all arrears and penalty rates.

However, you can also apply for redevelopment regarding the payment time span and debt calculations with the bank.

Well, what if BI Checking had entered fifth place? Of course you should continue to pay installments and pay off the installment debts.

If in three months the installment payment is smooth, then BI Checking can go up to third place.

If three months later it is still smooth (if you can immediately pay off your debt), then BI Checking can you go up to first place and can apply for a new loan.

BI Checking Requirements that Must Be Prepared

Not infrequently applications for Home Ownership Loans are rejected due to prospective debtors having stumbled upon bad credit problems and being blacklisted by BI Checking.

Whether BI Checking blacklist is the end of your dream of having a Kongcret, of course not.

Indeed, if you have applied for credit including a credit card, then your credit transaction repayment records will automatically appear.

Evidently, the bank divides the debtor into five rankings, namely:

So after knowing how to bleach BI checking, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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