JAKARTA - The threat of a fossil energy crisis is a concern for the world. The reason is, these energy reserves are predicted to have run out in the next few years.

General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Movement (GPII) Masri Ikoni said, especially in big cities such as Jakarta, he is facing a dangerous threat related to air pollution. This is due to the large amount of fuel vehicle smoke that produces carbon dioxide emissions that are very dangerous for living things.

He continued, the government's policy regarding the procurement of electric energy vehicles by efforts to replace fuel fossil energy to new and renewable energy is the right step to save the environment from the threat of air pollution.

"In my opinion, procuring electric motors is the right step taken by the government, because currently Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, has been affected by very worrying air pollution, and as we know the pollution is also mostly produced from fossil fuel vehicles," Masri said in his official statement, Friday, September 16.

The Head of Natural Resources and Environment Division of PP GPII, Achmed, said the results of a data study by his party that oil reserves in Indonesia are predicted to be only left in the next 9 years.

This means that after the next 9 years, Indonesia will experience a very severe energy crisis if the government does not immediately take solutions to develop new and renewable energy.

"The government's policy of transitioning fuel to new and renewable energy is a very appropriate solution, and GPII represents youth who are aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, will continue to oversee the government's efforts," he said.

Meanwhile, representatives of the Directorate, the Development of the Electricity Program, Febri said, the government is currently focusing on the three commitments that are to be fought for to prevent an energy crisis.

"From several presidential statements submitted in three events, namely, at UNFC-COP 21, Paris, 2015, the government said that Indonesia had succeeded in reducing 29 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The government also stated that Indonesia would be able to contribute faster to the world's net zero emissions," he said.

Just so you know, this year Indonesia will also host the G20 and at the G20 Conference the president will focus on 3 main problems, namely Global Health, Data-Based Economic Transformation, Transition Towards Renewable Energy.

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