KUDUS - Bank Jateng's credit disbursement from January to the end of August 2022 reached Rp53.59 trillion. One of the drivers is cheap credit products for micro and small business actors.

"The distribution of credit can still increase because Bank Jateng has also just reintroduced cheap credit products and is very special for micro and small business actors," said Bank Jateng Commercial Business Director Puguh Budi Santoso as quoted by Antara, Monday 12 September.

He revealed that the product is Central Java 25 partner credit with three percent interest and stall credit.

In addition to cheap credit, he continued, Bank Jateng was also present in the community with various products according to its segmentation.

"Bank Jateng also continues to strive to improve performance and services and strengthen digital innovation in order to increase the ease of banking access for customers and stakeholders," he said.

Digital transformation, he added, is a big effort by Bank Jateng in balancing the dynamic development and needs of stakeholders in order to create sustainable growth by prioritizing digital transformation, including through internet banking, BIMA mobile banking, PBB payments offline, Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS).

Meanwhile, in the credit sector, Bank Jateng has also developed electronic PLO credit services (e-PLO).

Untuk total aset juga mengalami pertumbuhan dibandingkan tahun- tahun sebelumnya karena saat ini mencapai Rp83,52 triliun. Sementara dana pihak ketiga yang berhasil dikumpulkan mencapai Rp65,23 triliun. Sedangkan laba usaha pada tahun ini sebesar Rp1,68 triliun.

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