JAKARTA - Pertamina Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk, together with the West Java Hulu (MUJ) Oil and Gas Task Force are ready to realize cooperation in the development of gas networks (jargas) in West Java. A total of 472,032 Domestic Connections (SR) in the Bekasi, Bogor, Depok, Karawang, Kuningan, Cirebon, Majalengka, Indramayu, Sukabumi, Bandung and West Bandung areas. PGN Director of Sales and Operations Faris Aziz explained that the need for natural gas energy based on the General Regional Energy Plan (RUED) of West Java will increase in the future. In 2025, around 14.40 MTOE and 35.24 MTOE will be needed in 2050. The synergy between PGN and the West Java Government is one of the strategies for accelerating the Gasification Program to achieve the RUED target. The plan to develop PGN household jargas in West Java is 122,315 SR in 2022, 117,387 SR in 2023, and 117,387 SR in 2024. The cooperation between PGN and MUJ has been tied up by HoA in October 2022 and continues to be followed up, until they receive full support from the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil. According to Ridwan, this collaboration is a form of the West Java Government's efforts to find solutions to fulfill clean energy in West Java. He hopes that MUJ and PGN can run by prioritizing public services in this collaboration. According to him, PGN and MUJ must view the Jargas program as a Public Service Obligation. "We invite all relevant stakeholders to find a joint solution to level the country's gas wealth so that it can be used by the wider community," said Ridwan Kamil in his statement, quoted Monday, August 29. As the General Chair of the Association of Renewable Oil and Gas Results and Energy Results (ADPMET), Ridwan also asked for strategic plans to be prepared carefully. "Jargas is a big program from the government as well as part of Nawacita from President Jokowi. Through the construction of jargas, it is in line with one of West Java's visions, namely West Java, the Heiring Batin Champion which states that West Java's development is aimed at improving the welfare and quality of life of the people both born and inner," said Faris, 29/08/22. Synergy with BUMD is one way for PGN to achieve the target of four million connections mandated at the 2020-2024 RPJMN. PGN will use the mode of distribution of natural gas pipelines and beyond pipelines for the success of the program. "The benefits of gas gas for West Java Province can support economic growth and increase competitiveness, because the use of natural gas is more efficient at competitive prices. Thus, it can spur economic growth and public savings on the benefit of natural gas energy. In addition, gas gas can help improve air quality because it is environmentally friendly," said Faris. Utilization of gas jargas can reduce LPG imports and increase the use of TKDN above 45 percent, thus providing large benefits for the national interest. President Director of PT MUJ Begin Troy's said that the construction of Jargas is planned to start in the areas of Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, and Greater Bandung with a new model of BUMN and BUMD cooperation. From cooperation with PGN, MUJ has the opportunity to work on the construction of a wider West Java jargas. "This collaboration will accelerate the construction of a gas network to households," he said. In West Java, PGN has served 114,943 SR with a distribution volume of 1.81 BBTUD in 11 cities/regencies, namely Bekasi City, Depok City, Bekasi Regency, Bogor Regency, Bogor City, Karawang Regency, Subang Regency, Indramayu Regency, Cilegon City, and Majalengka Regency. "We really hope that the cooperation between PGN and MUJ or the synergy of BUMN-BUMD can contribute to accelerating the National Gasification Program and creating value creations that are beneficial to the wider community," concluded Faris.

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