JAKARTA - President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, revealed that the Boeing aircraft company did not register the amount of its receivables within the 30-day deadline after the decision on the Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU).

For your information, Garuda's PKPU decision was delivered on 27 June 2022. Then, Garuda Indonesia creditors are given 30 days who have not deposited the amount of their receivables to provide their data.

Irfan said, until the deadline is over, Boeing is the one that has not claimed the amount of Garuda Indonesia's debt.

“Boeing did not follow the process, did not register within 30 days. Of course, by Indonesian law, we fellow Indonesian citizens, we will follow what has been agreed in the PKPU umbrella," he said at the Garuda Indonesia 2022 GMS and EGMS press conference at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Friday, August 12.

Even so, Irfan emphasized that this had no impact on the relationship between Garuda and Boeing. Communication with Boeing is still continuing.

"This of course does not mean that we cut ties with boeing, our talks with boeing are of course still continuing, but in the capacity of PKPU, I would like to convey that boeing did not register so it is still in the classification of unverified identified creditors and has not registered within 30 days," " he explained.

No need to pay

Meanwhile, Garuda Indonesia's Finance Director, Prasetio, explained that 30 days after the PKPU decision was a settlement claim. He said, this time is an opportunity for creditors who have not verified the amount of receivables.

Creditors who have agreed, the amount has been entered into the Fixed Receivable List (DPT).

Meanwhile, for those who do not agree on the amount of debt, it is determined by the adjudicator, which is also included in the list.

"For those who still do not enter, both accounting and legal, they are willing to do that, there is no reconciliation with us," said Prasetio.

Garuda Indonesia's debt figure to Boeing is around 822 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 10 trillion.

According to Prasetio, the amount legally does not need to be paid by Garuda if Boeing does not verify the amount within the specified time limit.

"So we have no obligation to pay for those who do not enter that number, it ended with us yesterday on the 10th (August)," he said.

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