JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) through the Directorate General (DG) of Taxes is said to continue to take a number of important steps to increase the potential for state revenue from all tax subjects in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Director of Extension, Services and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Neilmaldrin Noor said this effort was in line with the goal of expanding the tax database.

"The government in this case has the authority to request financial data in the form of financial reports, evidence, and information from financial service institutions, such as banking, capital markets, insurance, or other financial services based on Law Number 9 of 2017," he said in a press statement quoted by Antara, Monday, July 25.

According to Niel, his party carries out its duties and functions by conducting formal and material tests on taxpayer compliance (WP) and also conducting supervision. In addition, the supervision of taxpayer compliance is also mapped based on the scale of business in order to make supervision run more efficiently.

"In exploring tax potential, we apply a structured, methodical, and objective way by using compliance risk management (CRM) to map the profile of taxpayers based on compliance risk," he said.

In line with this, Neil emphasized that the Directorate General of Taxes is open to information related to business activities or tax potential from the public.

“Every information that comes in must be followed up systematically. We have a procedure for examining Information, Data, Reports and Complaints (IDLP),” he said.

While related to the integration of the Population Identification Number (NIK) with the Tax ID (NPWP), the subordinate of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani explained that his party would maintain the confidentiality of WP data in accordance with Article 34 of the KUP Law.

"With various tax reform milestones that have been implemented, the supervision measures will be more effective because they are supported by a very complete database, although not perfect," he said.

"So, if there are taxpayers who do not comply or if there are those who do not register, sooner or later they will definitely be known and will face the risk of non-compliance starting with appeals to tax law enforcement," concluded Neil.

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