JAKARTA - The government, through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), earned Rp6.02 trillion in funds. This fund comes from the auction of six series of state sharia securities (SBSN) which took place today (Tuesday, 12 July).

In a statement from the Directorate of Sharia Financing (DPS) of the Ministry of Finance, it was explained that the six series included SPNS10012023, PBS031, PBS032, PBS029, PBS034, and PBS033. Of the six series, DPS recorded a total offer of Rp 12.75 trillion.

In detail, the series with the most bids was PBS031 of Rp 8 trillion. Meanwhile, the series with the smallest bid record was SPNS10012023 Rp150 billion.

From the incoming bids, the Ministry of Finance determined that the auction results with the largest nominal value were PBS031 Rp5.1 trillion and the smallest series PBS029 Rp75 billion.

The SBSN PBS031 series offers a weighted average yield of 5.35 percent won. The weighted average yield with the largest figure is PBS034 which is 7.29 percent.

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