JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita is of the view that the problem of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk alias Sritex is much more complex than what is seen on the surface.

It is known that Sritex was declared bankrupt by the Semarang Commercial District Court on Monday, October 21, 2024. Then, Sritex filed an appeal against the decision, but was rejected by the Supreme Court (MA).

With this bankruptcy status, Agus assessed, the government faces tough challenges, especially for the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) and the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker).

This is because the two ministries must strive to fight for Sritex to return to production.

"The court ratifies bankruptcy, of course it makes it difficult for the government (in this case) to make it difficult for the Ministry of Industry to make it difficult for the Ministry of Manpower. In my view, Sritex's issue is much more computational than what is on the surface," Agus said at the Ministry of Industry office, Jakarta, Friday, January 3.

Agus explained that currently his party's top priority is how Sritex can continue to produce, so that the workers in Sritex can return to work.

Not only in terms of work, Agus said that if production was stopped, it would result in the loss of the market which had been filled by Sritex. The reason is, to gain market confidence is not easy.

"If Sritex's market is filled by other domestic industries, there may be no problem. However, if it is filled by producers from other countries, it will lose to us. We lost the market and to get the trust is difficult," said Agus.

According to Agus, the steps that will be taken by the Ministry of Industry are to approach the Sritex curator team to see if the Going Concern point can run.

"So we ask the curator and now the schedule is being arranged. We want it to be going concern, that we can save our production and manpower. Those who decide whether or not to be concerned are the curator and the supervisory team," he concluded.

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