JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) together with the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) are said to have initiated the Foreign Exchange Village program in East Lampung as a center for the national black pepper commodity to fulfill the export market.

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said Lampung black pepper has a good reputation in domestic and international markets.

"We see that assistance in the regions or centers of IKM export potential plays an important role in increasing the ability of millions of IKM players who are the backbone of the country's economy. This assistance in the Foreign Exchange Village is expected to boost exports and sustainable foreign exchange earnings in areas whose products are indeed leading export commodities," he said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, June 26.

The Minister of Industry explained that the government has designed the expansion of market access, as well as spurring sustainable exports and foreign exchange earnings, so that the welfare of the families of farmers, craftsmen, and business actors in the location of the foreign exchange village is also boosted.

"Lampung black pepper has won a Geographical Indication (IG) certification issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights since 2016 because of its good reputation," he said.

Based on the 2021 plantation balance released by the Directorate General of Plantations of the Ministry of Agriculture, pepper exports managed to reach 39,961 tons.

“Lampung black pepper is known in the world market as Lampung black pepper. The demand for black pepper in the international market is also increasing. Currently, counterpart agencies have exported through third parties with the largest value to India, Kenya, Australia and Germany," he said.

Furthermore, explained that the collaboration with LPEI in the mentoring program for the Black Pepper Foreign Exchange Village, East Lampung involved the local Cooperatives and MSMEs Office.

"There will be training on strengthening business management, providing production facilities to increase production capacity, assisting market access, assisting food safety systems, and training on financial applications in preparing financial reports," concluded Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang.

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