JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) signed a cooperation agreement with the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (JAMDATUN) of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia on handling legal issues in the civil and state administrative fields.

The signing of the cooperation was carried out by the President Director of SIG, Donny Arsal with the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration, Feri Wibisono at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday 23 June.

The cooperation includes providing legal assistance by the State Attorney (JPN) in civil and state administrative cases, providing legal considerations by the JPN by providing legal opinions (legal opinion) and legal assistance (legal assistance) and legal audits (legal audit). In addition, JPN provides legal services in order to save and restore state finances/wealth and to uphold the authority of the government through negotiation, mediation and facilitation.

In addition, cooperation is also in the form of increasing the competence of human resources, including through joint training at home and abroad, socialization, internships and the provision of resource persons as well as other cooperation in the context of mitigating legal risks, including the prevention of corruption.

The President Director of SIG, Donny Arsal, explained that this collaboration aims to increase the effectiveness of handling and resolving legal issues in the civil and state administration fields both inside and outside the court faced by the Company. In line with the condition of the company that continues to develop, the problems that will be faced are increasingly complex and diverse, so the Company takes the initiative to establish good cooperation with the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition to the signing of the cooperation, a seminar with the theme "Business Judgment Rules" was also held to increase knowledge and understanding in the field of law for all GIS management and its subsidiaries and affiliates, particularly regarding the application of the Business Judgment Rules doctrine in business activities and company management.

Donny Arsal said that JAMDATUN could provide enlightenment and an overview to GIS regarding the limitations contained in laws, government regulations and other regulations, in relation to the situation when the company made a decision and then the situation after the decision was made became different and caused losses.

"Sometimes the Board of Directors needs to take relatively speculative actions in order to save the survival of the company. However, before making a business decision, the Board of Directors must pay attention to the elements of the Business Judgment Rule contained in the legislation as a basis for consideration (business judgment) in business decisions. Hopefully, this seminar can add insight and enthusiasm to apply the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the corporate environment," said Donny Arsal.

Meanwhile, Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration, Feri Wibisono said it was an honor to be trusted to establish cooperation regarding the use of the services of the State Lawyer Office (KPN). Based on the legislation, JAMDATUN is in charge of providing good services, whether or not there is cooperation. The services of a state attorney's office can be quite helpful in solving legal problems, planning and making decisions or when facing legal problems that occur. "We have a commitment to provide the best quality throughout Indonesia and are professional," said Feri Wibisono.

According to him, there are several strengths that are worthy of consideration by stakeholders, the first is that JAMDATUN has different services from law firms.

"Often several SOE stakeholders have been accompanied by lawyers related to legal contracts, when we provide assistance, we find many shortcomings, then we provide very strategic input for the interests of protecting the SOE stakeholders," he said.

Feri Wibisono added, JAMDATUN provides services not only regarding legal aspects, but also equipped with legal risk mitigation, GCG aspects so that in making decisions not only legally correct but from a legal risk mitigation perspective including the right authoritative, thus avoiding legal risks. We complement our services by mitigating the risk of possible criminal offenses, because we have the strength, skills and knowledge, as well as a fairly long experience related to understanding the criminal aspect.

"This is needed to be strengthened, that proper decision-making can mitigate legal risks that are currently being used by SOEs and Ministries. Decisions on policy drafting, drafting contracts, several strategic investment activities ask us for assistance and we do it well," he said. Wibisono ferry.

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