JAKARTA - In order to celebrate Jakarta's 495th Birthday, PT. Jakarta Konsultindo held various events including thanksgiving, joint prayer, mini cone and cat rice, rhyming competitions and fashion shows among employees as well as an exhibition titled city corner elevation featuring Kampung Susun Bayam as a form of the company's contribution to urban regeneration in Jakarta.

"As residents who work in Jakarta, at least we must actively participate in preserving Betawi culture, including rhyming and wearing Betawi clothing. Such ideas are the background for holding the competition. Alhamdulillah, all employees are enthusiastic about participating in various competitions," said Hani Sumarno as Director of PT Jakarta Konsultindo in its official statement, Friday, June 24.

Hani said the activity entitled Caring for Local Culture was attended by 54 employees of PT. Jakarta Konsultindo from 5 divisions, and also attended by Leonardus Wahyu Wasono Mihardjo as President Commissioner and Dwi Budi Sulistiyana as President Director. To support the excitement of the event, the committee provided many prizes to the winners of each category.

In addition to holding an event caring for local culture, PT Jakarta Konsultindo also held an exhibition titled city corner elevation featuring Kampung Susun Bayam as a form of contribution to Jakarta's urban regeneration.

"The exhibition will be held in 3 series in the corridors of the offices of PT Jakarta Konsultindo and PT Jakpro. Starting from June to August 2022," he said.

For your information, Kampung Bayam is a settlement affected by the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). The 11.8 hectare settlement consists of 3 blocks/buildings with 4 floors intended for 135 families, plus 3 special housing units for the disabled, bringing the total to 138 residential units. The residential unit has an area of 36 square meters with a room layout including two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen, family room, balcony and a place to dry clothes.

Then no less interesting, such as being owned by special tourist destinations, PT Jakarta Konsultindo also took the initiative to explore the creation of an official store which is planned to support 4 venues such as the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) in Sunter, Jakarta International Velodrome in Rawamangun, Taman Ismail Marzuki ( TIM) and the Formula E circuit in Ancol.

For starters, a t-shirt with the theme of Jakarta Celebration was made to match Jakarta's 459th anniversary. In the future, scarves, key chains, hats, mugs, umbrellas, jackets and various other forms of merchandise will be prepared.

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