JAKARTA - Sarinah collaborated with PT Blue Bird Tbk, owned by conglomerate Purnomo Prawiro, to become a partner in providing transportation services to provide convenient mobility for visitors to the shopping center.

President Director of PT Sarinah Fetty Kwartati, on the same occasion, said that the collaboration between the two companies has historical and contemporary value because it is a legacy of the nation's business that still exists today.

"Sarinah, who is 60 years old, has also grown from time to time with Bluebird, who is also 50 years old. So this collaboration has historical value but is also contemporary because the two companies are the legacy of the Indonesian nation's business that still exists today. Sarinah and Bluebird understand the meaning of business sustainability, and will continue to innovate until it becomes Indonesia's leading tourism icon," Fetty said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, June 20.

As an urban tourism destination with a thick heritage of Jakarta's history, Fetty hopes that Sarinah can become the first shopping center with a Bluebird base that has electric taxi facilities, to support a zero-emission travel experience for the people of Jakarta.

President Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk Sigit Djokosoetono said, through this collaboration, Bluebird is 100 percent committed to promoting local culture and brands.

"On the company's 50th anniversary, we are committed to expanding the reach of public access by collaborating with iconic local shopping centers in Jakarta. We want to support Sarinah's efforts to promote local culture and brands by providing safe and comfortable mobility facilities for its visitors," he said.

Sigit said Bluebird and Sarinah are two Indonesian companies. It is committed to supporting the promotion of local culture and brands.

"We are a native Indonesian company, so we took the initiative to collaborate in supporting local brands and culture in order to grow," said Sigit.

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