JAKARTA - Line Indonesia has reportedly closed its news collection service or Line Today. Along with that, Line also terminated or laid off 80 employees.

In response to this, Country Manager, LINE Indonesia Fanny Verona explained that the company is currently pursuing a strategic business direction. Currently, LINE will focus on the financial technology (fintech) business in Indonesia.

"In line with our strategic business direction, we will determine the resources of our company. As for us, we can confirm that the number of 80 people who were broadcast (laid off) is not true," he confirmed, Thursday, June 2.

Fanny explained that for the LINE TODAY service, up to now, LINE TODAY service users can still access and enjoy various news and story content as a whole.

"Of course, we are still committed to the Indonesian market, and we will continue to provide LINE messenger services to our users as before," he said.

Furthermore, Fanny said that his party will also continue to provide essential services for loyal Line Indonesia users. And will continue to carry out activities such as M&A and investment.

"For further information, we will announce it on the notification page for our users later," he said.

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