JAKARTA - The President Director of Perum Bulog Budi Waseso (Buwas) admitted that he was ready to carry out the assignment to become a distributor of cooking oil during the ban on the export of raw palm oil or crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives. However, this distribution can only be done if there are regulations regarding the assignment of cooking oil distribution.

"Assignments must have regulations. Bulog (so far) has never received an assignment for cooking oil, if corn has been, rice has never been but cooking oil has never been. So there must be an assignment so that it doesn't go wrong," he said at a press conference at the Bulog Headquarters, Tuesday, May 10.

With this assignment, said Buwas, Bulog will later distribute cooking oil stocks from producers to the market. This is done because so far the cooking oil supply chain often raises question marks, because the availability in the field is not the same as the production from producers.

Regarding the price, said Buwas, Bulog will buy cooking oil from producers below the market price. The target is that the final consumer can buy cooking oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

"We already have a price agreement that we buy at a low price, Bulog has a stabilization task with availability, so B2B at a price below the economy with the hope that the price will be cheaper to the public but it will be handled commercially," he said.

Buwas said that if the producer's price is still higher, then there will be subsidies from the government. But unfortunately, Buwas has not been able to confirm the form of the assignment regulation. Will it be in the form of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres), a Presidential Decree or will it be assigned by the relevant Ministry.

But what is certain, said Buwas, Bulog will work with PT Pos if the assignment is in the form of social assistance. Because, PT Pos has data from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Not only with PT Pos, Bulog will also cooperate with BGR Logistik which is the grandson of the RNI company or a member of ID Food's Food SOE Holding. This is because the company already has a good distribution system in markets so it is difficult to leak.

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