JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have issued two series of Government Bonds (SUN) specifically for taxpayers (WP) who participate in the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS).

The Director General of Financing and Risk Management at the Ministry of Finance Luky Alfirman said the details of the pair of SUNs were FR0094, 6-year tenor (maturity 15 January 2028), 6 percent yield, 5.6 percent coupon, tradable, amounting to Rp351.16 billion.

Second, FR0003, tenor of 10 years (maturity January 15, 2032), yield of 3.65 percent, coupon of 3 percent, can be traded, amounting to 5.33 million US dollars.

"The settlement of the SUN transaction was attended by seven main SUN dealers who submitted purchase offers representing 82 taxpayers who participated in the PPS through a private placement mechanism," he said in an official statement, Monday, April 25.

According to Luky, this PPS transaction is quite encouraging with the largest nominal achievement and it is hoped that the trend will continue to increase until the deadline for investing in SBN.

"The government will offer special SBN in the context of PPS routinely alternating between SUN instruments and State Sharia Securities (SBSN) and the next transaction, namely SBSN products, will be carried out on May 27, 2022," he said.

Luky added, the government is still opening an offer for placement of funds into SBN investment for 7 periods throughout 2022 in the form of 3 SUN and 4 SBSN.

On a separate occasion, the Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Suryo Utomo invited taxpayers participating in PPS with investment commitments to immediately invest their assets in safe and low-risk investment instruments, namely SBN.

"Participants with this investment commitment we continue to encourage to invest immediately before the deadline specified in PMK-196/2021, which is September 30, 2023. Taxpayers can invest their assets safely and with low risk into SBN offered by the government," said Suryo. .

According to VOI records, as of Sunday, April 24, 2022, 39,527 taxpayers have participated in this tax amnesty volume II with a total of 45,413 certificates.

From the tens of thousands of taxpayers, it was revealed that the net assets value was Rp. 70.4 trillion, which consisted of Rp. 60.5 trillion of property declarations in the country and repatriation funds, Rp. 4.5 trillion channeled to investment instruments, and Rp. 5.2 trillion of declarations of assets abroad. Meanwhile, the net value that goes into the management of the state treasury is IDR 7.1 trillion in the form of income tax levies or PPh.

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