JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has named four suspects in the alleged corruption case in granting export facilities for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives. The four suspects were immediately detained in two different places.

Of the four people named as suspects, one of them is a subordinate of the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, the Director General (Dirjen) of Foreign Trade (Daglu) of the Ministry of Trade with the initials IWW (Indrashari Wisnu Wardhana).

Meanwhile, the other three suspects are from the private sector. They are the Senior Manager of Corporate affairs of Permata Hijau Group with the initials SMA (Stanley MA); The President Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia with the initials MPT (Master Parulian Tumanggor); and the General Manager of PT Musim Mas with the initials PT (Pierre Togar).

Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said that the suspect was detained in a different place based on the Detention Warrant of the Director of Investigation.

Furthermore, Burhanuddin said the Director General of Foreign Trade (Daglu) of the Ministry of Trade, namely Indrashari Wisnu Wardhana; and Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, Master Parulian Tumanggor, has been detained at the Salemba Rutan at the AGO branch since today.

Meanwhile, the high school suspect and the PT suspect are respectively detained at the Salemba Rutan at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office.

"The four suspects were immediately detained for the next 20 days," he said at a virtual press conference, Tuesday, April 19.

Burhanuddin revealed that the pattern of corruption allegedly carried out by the four suspects. According to Burhanuddin, there has been a malicious agreement between the applicant and the licensee to issue CPO export approvals.

Furthermore, he said the export application should be rejected because these companies do not have the requirements as exporters. Among other things, distributing CPO or RBD palm oil that is not in accordance with the domestic sales price or domestic market obligation (DMO) and the DMO obligation of 20 percent to the country of total exports.

"Even though these companies are not companies that have the right to get export approval," he said.

For their actions, the suspects have violated Article 54 Paragraph (1) letter a and Paragraph (2) letters a, b, e and f of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning trafficking.

In addition, the Decree of the Minister of Trade Number 129 of 2022, namely in conjunction with Number 170 of 2022 concerning the determination of the amount for distribution of domestic needs and domestic sales prices.

Then, the provisions of chapter 2 letter a number 1 letter b in conjunction with chapter 2 letter c number 4 letter c Regulation of the Director General of Foreign Trade Number 02/DAGLU/PER/1/2022 concerning technical guidelines for implementing policies and regulations for exporting CPO, RDB Palm Olein and UCO.

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