JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the government's intensive infrastructure development efforts in recent years are expected to help increase Indonesia's competitiveness in attracting investment.

"Accelerating the acceleration of infrastructure development is a very important pillar in advancing the Indonesian economy, especially from the aspect of improving competitiveness and productivity," he said through an online channel at the signing of the Master Agreement between The Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) and State-owned Enterprise (BUMN), Thursday, April 14.

However, the Minister of Finance revealed that realizing quality competitiveness is not an easy thing. He then compared this with the conditions of several friendly countries in the region.

"Indonesia's competitiveness ranking is still relatively lower than ASEAN 5 countries, so we understand that there is still a lot of homework," she said.

In fact, she continued, the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has taken concrete steps by building various important facilities in the country.

"Currently, there are at least 54 toll road projects that are categorized as national strategic projects and their locations are spread throughout Indonesia," she said.

The Minister of Finance also explained that in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2020-2024 it was stated that the funding needs for infrastructure development reached IDR 6.445 trillion.

Of this amount, the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) is estimated to only be able to support IDR 2.385 trillion or about 37 percent of the total needs.

"This is calculated not yet when the country is facing a pandemic, where currently State Budget (APBN) funds are forced and forced to shift priorities to health issues, social assistance, and economic recovery.

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