JAKARTA - Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) asked the government to increase the quota for subsidized Solar to meet the needs of the community accompanied by strict distribution control so that it is right on target.

Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Khilmi, revealed that with the easing of PPKM and the increasing number of community activities, the need for subsidized diesel fuel is higher.

"After there was no PPKM, there used to be only two or three buses in line. But now sometimes there are up to a hundred lines. And freight transport is also high in line. We hope that the bio-diesel quota will be increased again because the demand is very high", Khilmi said in a written statement quoted on Wednesday, March 30.

He also asked Pertamina to always monitor sales traffic and diesel demand in various regions, to apply clear regulations and quotas so that there are no long queues at gas stations.

"At the petrol pump, there is already a digitization system, it's all been monitored, we can't use ordinary cars to buy bio, we can't. Even if we can, we have to show our STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate) and get a little. We can see who is entitled to subsidized diesel or not", explained Khilmi.

Similarly, Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives Andre Rosiade also complained about the scarcity of diesel at gas stations. According to Andre, the queue for diesel at gas stations in his electoral district is often very long and snaking.

"The fact is that diesel is still queuing up, what needs to be noted is how Perpres 191 of 2014 can really be implemented, Pertamina certainly cannot work alone. It must work together with the apparatus to implement this Perpres. Due to the fact, we are still seeing queues at gas stations snaking", explained Andre.

He also asked that there be clearer regulations from the government and Pertamina regarding restrictions on vehicles that can use subsidized diesel.

"Cars that cost more than IDR 500 million don't have to queue for subsidies anymore, and Pertamina must have the courage to propose it to BPH Migas (Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency), it must dare to propose it to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. So that it is really the people who need the subsidy who get it. Because the snaking queues not only make it difficult for people to get subsidized Solar, but also interfere with mobility, and interfere with other economic movements," Andre continued.

Previously, President Director of PT Pertamina (the Company), Nicke Widyawati, revealed that the subsidized Solar quota in 2022 was set at 15.1 million kiloliters (kL) of which Pertamina was allocated 14.9 million kL and PT AKR Corporindo (AKRA) 186,000 kL. However, Pertamina projects that the demand for subsidized diesel this year could increase to 16 million kL.

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