JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Director of Railway Traffic and Transportation of the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) Risal Wasal expressed his appreciation to all levels of the Garut Regency Government and other parties involved in efforts to operate the 19 km Cibatu-Garut Cross. while conducting a field review of the trial process for the railroad crossing Cibatu Station - Garut Station with the Regent of Garut, West Java, Sunday. his statement received by Antara in Jakarta.

Risal said that the field review carried out today is a follow-up to a series of infrastructure testing activities that have been carried out on 12-19 February 2022.

As scheduled, this series of trial activities will be continued by entering the trial and run stage starting from today until March 13, 2022.

The trial and run stage in question is a trial stage using facilities containing limited passengers.

In this case, Risal explained that the trial and run activity began today with the trial of the Extraordinary Train (KLB) from Garut Station to Pasar Senen Station.

"The enthusiasm of the community towards the re-operation of the train line to Garut is extraordinary, it can be seen throughout the trial trip, the community is really looking forward to the presence of a series of outbreaks at the station," he said.

Risal emphasized that this series of testing activities is a mandate from Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways.

According to him, this activity is an important prerequisite before the railway infrastructure can be operated to ensure the safety and operation of railway lines, buildings and facilities.

On the same occasion, Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan expressed his confidence regarding the contribution that the re-operation of the railway line to Garut could make to the economic growth and tourism of Garut Regency.

"Therefore, allow us to express our greatest appreciation and gratitude from the citizens of Garut to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Minister of Transportation, PT. KAI, as well as the ranks of the Central Government who have realized the re-operation of this railway line," said Rudy.

Rudy said that the re-operation of the railway line could encourage the people of Garut Regency to innovate in developing industry and tourism in their area.

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