JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk continues to consistently provide assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). One of them is by helping flower farmers assisted by the Chrysanthemum Cluster in Tomohon, North Sulawesi in strengthening their business.

BRI's Director of Micro Business, Supari, said that his party continues to play a role in empowering MSME actors and in the process, types of business similarities appear in one area which are finally grouped into business clusters.

"The BRI Mantri then provide guidance to each cluster, such as business and digital literacy, according to the needs of business actors, of course by paying attention to various aspects ranging from the quality of human resources, technology, market potential, networks, inclusion, to training," said Supari in official statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

BRI will continue to strive to take part in developing business growth by providing guidance, training, facilities and infrastructure assistance, to advisors through ministers, as well as empowering business clusters so that they can become embryos for the corporateization of MSMEs in the future.

Alexander Paat (51), a Tomohon resident who heads the BRI-assisted Chrysanthemum Cluster, did not hesitate to change his business from a horticultural farmer to a chrysanthemum farmer, armed with an unyielding spirit, even though he was short of funds because to plant chrysanthemums, the planting area had to be covered. saung with no small cost.

However, after receiving the People's Business Credit (KUR) from BRI's Tondano branch, Alexander's hopes were finally fulfilled and he was able to further develop his business.

"Then we can make a hut. That was the first time we borrowed it from BRI,” recalls Alexander.

In addition to providing funding, BRI also encouraged Alexander to strengthen the business ecosystem through the formation of a fostered business cluster, so that he also brought together his fellow farmers to form the Manimpayo Cluster and become the head of the cluster.

During his time as the cluster leader, he admitted that he had continued to encourage his group to apply for a business loan to BRI, so that now all farmer groups in the cluster feel grateful for the ease of business development.

Now the BRI-assisted business cluster, located in Kakaskasen 1 Village, is a forum for chrysanthemum farmers who have direct support from the local village head, so Alexander is increasingly optimistic that the flower farming sector in his village will empower the local community's economy.

He also hopes that his business group, which currently consists of 15 people, can continue to grow with more and more flower farmers in the village who can join the Manimpayo Cluster, so that they can further develop their businesses and improve the welfare of flower farmers in the area.

Alexander said that in October 2022 the local government would also encourage the export of chrysanthemum flowers from Tomohon to several overseas markets, as one of the work programs of the Tomohon City Government.

"So far, the regional government has provided active support and there is assistance, which is usually in the form of facilities such as fertilizer. Therefore, in the future, we will definitely work on this chrysanthemum flower," he said.

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