JAKARTA - The relocation of the new State Capital (IKN) to East Kalimantan will not only use the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), but will also be financed from state assets in Jakarta. The total assets of the government in Jakarta reached Rp. 1,400 trillion.

Director of State Property (BMN) DJKN Encep Sudarwan said that out of Rp. 1,400 trillion of state assets in Jakarta, which could be utilized after IKN moved to East Kalimantan, only around Rp. 300 trillion.

"The assets in Jakarta BMN are Rp. 1.4 trillion. So, the estimated amount that can be utilized is around Rp. 300 trillion. The value of the assets is not the value of rental results and so on," he said in a virtual press conference, Friday, January 28.

Encep said that not all state assets in Jakarta can now be optimized to help finance IKN. Because, not all of these assets will be abandoned and idle.

Furthermore, Encep said the value of these assets could still increase. Because it is a temporary result. He explained that the management of this asset will be mapped out using six models, such as being leased or cooperating.

"Why Rp300 trillion? There are many regional offices (kanwil) in Jakarta, like DJKN, there are regional offices and they are still being used. Taxes are still being used, treasury excise taxes, the National Police have a regional police chief. Why Rp 300 trillion, not yet the state palace and graveyard," he explained.

Encep said that at this time his party could not calculate it because nothing had been moved.

"We'll just have to wait, there's a sequence. This year it's still being used. The office is still in use. Only when it's moved, it follows the sequence which ministry/institution moved first, after that we'll see what's empty," he explained.

According to Encep, even if it has been moved, the assets will not necessarily be optimized. Encep said, he will calculate the percentage of unused assets. If only 10 percent of unused assets are used, then it is likely that there will be no transfer of asset management.

"It's not optimal at 10 percent," he said.

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