JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that her party found three important points that needed to be evaluated in the management of the 2021 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). The APBD are the three main things that are evaluated.

According to the Minister of Finance's notes, in 2021, the regional governments (Pemda) that stipulate Regional Regional Budgets on time are 440 regions or 81.2 percent. This number has decreased from the 2020 period, which was 504 regions or 93 percent.

"I hope this year's APBD can be determined on time and even faster, because if the APBD stops so that the economy cannot move, it will lose momentum," she said as reported by the official website, Tuesday, January 11.

Then for the aspect of mandatory spending in 2021, the Minister of Finance considers it to be good enough but still needs to be improved. This is reflected in a total of 542 regions, as many as 466 regions have met the allocation for education spending, but there are still 64 regions that have not. Then, 13 regions have not fulfilled the mandatory health expenditure.

The third point highlighted by the state treasurer is the acceleration and acceleration of regional spending since the beginning of the year.

“The APBD spending tends to wait until the end of the year, it doesn't cause the economy to move. If they have already carried out activities in the area, they should be paid after they are finished. It will definitely have an impact on the circulation of money and a better economic cycle,” she said.

For information, in the explanation of the realization of the 2021 State Budget (APBN), it is known that the realization of this year's APBD expenditure is higher than 2020. As of November 2021, regional expenditures have been recorded at IDR 829.67 trillion from the ceiling of IDR 1.219.38 trillion.

The book grew compared to the same period the previous year which amounted to IDR 809.38 trillion with a ceiling of IDR 1.071.31 trillion.

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