JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that there was an inflation of 0.57 percent in December 2021.

Head of BPS Margo Yuwono said that last month's share of inflation was dominated by the types of food, beverages and tobacco, which amounted to 0.41 percent.

"The most important thing is cayenne pepper which contributes 0.11 percent, cooking oil 0.08 percent, and chicken eggs 0.05 percent," he said at a press conference, Monday, January 3.

Then the second dominance was contributed by the transportation sector which amounted to 0.07 percent.

"This is more due to the increase in air transportation prices with a share of 0.06 percent," he said.

As previously reported, the price of cayenne pepper touched Rp. 120,000 per kilogram in Jakarta before closing in 2021.

Furthermore, Margo explained that 88 cities experienced inflation and 2 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Jayapura at 1.91 percent and the lowest occurred in Pekanbaru at 0.07 percent.

Meanwhile, the highest deflation occurred in Dumai at 107.70 and the lowest occurred in Bukittinggi at 0.04 percent.

Meanwhile, the inflation rate for the calendar year (January–December) 2021 and the year-on-year inflation rate (December 2021 to December 2020) is 1.87 percent.

Then, the core component in December 2021 experienced inflation of 0.16 percent. The core component inflation rate for the calendar year (January–December) 2021 and the year-on-year core component inflation rate (December 2021 against December 2020) is 1.56 percent.

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