JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Health said that on Sunday, December 26, 2021, Indonesia had another 9 million imported COVID-19 vaccines of the Moderna and AstraZeneca types.

Indeed, the procurement of the vaccine is an effort by the state to protect the public from the threat of a pandemic. Therefore, the government then allocates a special budget in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) to ensure the availability of domestic supplies.

So how much resources (funds) has the government disbursed to buy the vaccine?

Based on data released by the Ministry of Finance, it is known that the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine has reached a value of IDR 26 trillion. This amount was used to purchase approximately 284.1 million doses of the vaccine until November 30, 2021.

Meanwhile, the procurement of vaccines in October 2021 is IDR 12.2 trillion. Meanwhile, in November 2021, it was IDR 3.8 trillion.

"This is a form of operating goods expenditure aimed at benefiting the people", said Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, at a press conference in the State Budget We Central last week.

The Minister of Finance revealed that 139.4 million people received the first injection and 95.5 million people received the second dose.

For information, the World Health Organization or the World Health Organization (WHO) encourages each country to be able to achieve the vaccination target of at least 40 percent of the population.

Meanwhile Indonesia itself, according to government data, the number of people who have received the vaccine is as many as 109 million people. This means that the minimum limits that are recommended by WHO have been met by Indonesia.

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