JAKARTA - Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi assessed that the national economy is starting to recover. According to him, this momentum must be seriously maintained so that the Indonesian economy can rise and grow faster.

This was said by the Minister of Trade, in the event of releasing exports from 278 exporters worth Rp. 35.03 trillion or equivalent to US$2.44 billion which was carried out simultaneously at 18 points in 62 regencies/cities and 26 provinces in Indonesia in a hybrid manner.

"I hope that this export release can motivate the business world to continue to maintain and expand its export market," said Lutfi at the "Final Release of Exports for 2021" at PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Karawang International Industrial City, West Java, Thursday, December 23.

Also attending the event were Riau Governor Syamsuar, Deputy Governor of Bangka Belitung Abdul Fatah and Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan Hadi Mulyadi. Then Karawang Regent Cellica Nurrachadiana, Gresik Regent Fandi Akhmad Yani, Salatiga Mayor Yuliyanto, Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi, and Boyolali Deputy Regent Wahyu Irawan.

Meanwhile, from the business community and associations, the President Director of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Warih Andang Tjahjono, and the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, were also present. Then, representatives from the Association of Indonesian Export Companies (GPEI) and the Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO).

He explained that this export release was a collaboration and cooperation of all stakeholders. Both the central government, regional governments, and business actors to encourage the recovery of the national economy, as well as improve the performance of national exports.

"The growth of non-oil and gas exports which continued to be in a surplus until finally reaping the highest monthly export value in history, is not only the result of the hard work of the central government, but also exporters and regional governments. Therefore, today's event is also a form of appreciation to the government at the provincial level , cities and regencies that serve the needs of exporters every day," explained the Trade Minister.

The government, Lutfi continued, is indeed focusing on increasing export performance in the context of accelerating the national economic recovery.

"Simultaneously, significant export growth will also encourage innovation and improve the quality of the domestic industry. These two things are the main foundation for restoring the national economy and realizing the ideals of an Advanced Indonesia in 2045," said Lutfi.

One of the tactical steps carried out by the Ministry of Trade, Lutfi continued, is to frequently meet and discuss with exporters.

"We always motivate business players to dare to explore new market opportunities in emerging markets and non-traditional markets. Especially with the uncertainty in competing countries, we can actually take advantage of export potential that has not been optimized, such as Africa, South Asia, West Asia. , Eastern Europe and countries in the Oceania region," he said.

To note, cumulatively, Indonesia's export performance in January-November 2021 reached USD209.16 billion, up 42.62 percent compared to the same period in 2020. Meanwhile, Indonesia's trade balance in November 2021 experienced a surplus of USD3.51 billion, continued the trend of consecutive surpluses since May 2020, and was recorded as the highest monthly export value in history.

Non-oil and gas export products from Indonesia that receive the highest demand in the world market include animal/vegetable fats and oils. Then mineral fuels, iron and steel, electrical machinery and equipment and their parts, as well as rubber and rubber products.

Meanwhile, the five countries that are the largest export destination markets are China (46 billion US dollars); United States (23.13 billion US dollars), Japan (15.18 billion US dollars), India (11.87 billion US dollars) and Malaysia (9.66 billion US dollars).

The Minister of Trade also expressed his appreciation to PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia for supporting this export release event.

"In particular, we express our gratitude to PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia for providing a place as the main locus for the 2021 End of Year Export Release event," he concluded.

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