JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, again reshuffled the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk, a subsidiary of PT Waskita Karya Tbk. This is not the first time Erick Thohir has made changes in the body of a state-owned company.

The reshuffle of directors and commissioners was carried out through the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) which was held on Friday, December 17, 2021.

In the EGMS, Erick Thohir appointed FX Poerbayu Ratsunu to replace Moch Cholis Prihanto as President Director. Then, appointed Bambang Rianto as the main commissioner of the issuer with the WSBP stock code.

Bambang Rianto has also served as Director of Operations II of Waskita Karya since early 2021.

"The EGMS was chaired by the President Commissioner of WSBP, Bambang Rianto, accompanied by the President Director, Moch Cholis Prihanto, and the Director of Finance & Risk Management, Moh Nur Sodiq", quoted from a written statement by WSBP management, Friday, December 17.

In the EGMS, two meeting agendas were discussed and approved by the shareholders, namely, changes to the company's articles of association and changes to the composition of the company's management.

The shareholders of WSBP approved the amendments to the articles of association of the WSBP article 3 regarding the aims and objectives as well as the company's business activities, as well as amendments to articles 16 and 19 regarding the duties and authorities of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.

The shareholders of WSBP also approved the change of management by the proposal from Waskita Karya as the Majority Shareholder of WSBP.

In addition, WSBP also appointed three Directors, namely Asep Mudzakir, Sugiharto, and Subkhan. The composition of the Company's management that has been determined by the resolutions of the EGMS is as follows:

Composition of Commissioners

Main Commissioner: Bambang Rianto

Commissioner: Eka Desniati

Commissioner: Hadi Sucahyono

Independent Commissioner: Abdul Ghofarrozin

Independent Commissioner : Agus Budiman Manalu

Board of Directors

President Director: FX Poerbayu Ratsunu

Director: Asep Mudzakir

Director: Sugiharto

Director: Subhkan

Director: Heri Supriyadi

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