JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G. Plate, said that his party continues to encourage the implementation and development of smart cities through the Movement Towards Smart Cities. This is because the development of the city is important to accommodate the needs of its citizens and prevent population movement from villages to cities or urbanization.

"Development of a smart city or smart city through the Movement Towards Smart City is one of the efforts made by us together, which was initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, December 14.

Johnny said, the existence of smart cities in Indonesia will answer the population challenge which is projected in 2045 as many as 82.37 percent of the population will live in urban centers or urbanization.

"This is happening urbanization, for that we need a city development strategy that is accommodating to the times," he said.

Johnny stated that the development of smart cities is part of the utilization of digital technology in modern city management. According to him, smart city is also one of the actualization of innovative and solution digital transformation.

"This can be seen from the level of internet penetration which continues to increase in Indonesia. Internet penetration in Indonesia in early January 2021 reached 73.3 percent of our total population, or equivalent to 202.7 million users. So the national digital service utilization is also will continue and increase," he said.

In addition, Johnny also encourages local governments to take advantage of digital technology, including the Internet of Things (IoT) in making new breakthroughs or smart solutions. In line with the flow of digitalization, it is needed to increase productivity and optimize services to the community.

"Internet of Things technology will experience rapid development in 2025, where there will be 41.6 M IoT devices installed globally. In Indonesia, the number of IoT devices is estimated to reach 400 million devices in 2022, and will increase to 678 million devices 2025 with the presence of 5G," he said.

Not only that, said Johnny, the value of the IoT market share in Indonesia will also increase from IDR 355 trillion in 2022 and reach IDR 557 trillion in 2025. In addition, in the future there will be a very significant increase in data volume.

"For example, a smart city or a smart city with one million residents can generate 200 petabytes of data every day," he said.

Johnny also explained the Government's efforts in bringing 5G technology in Indonesia. This is done as a support for the development of the IoT ecosystem in Indonesia.

"After more than 11 tests, 5G has rolled out in Indonesia, commercial operating licenses have been granted to three national operators and are currently building in 9 agglomeration cities which will certainly encourage and increase the use of IoT," he said.

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