JAKARTA - Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi has officially issued two Regulations of the Minister of Trade (Permendag). Through these two rules, the processing of import-export permits is made easier.

The two new rules are the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 19 of 2021 concerning Export Policy and Regulations and the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 20 of 2021 concerning Import Policies and Regulations which have come into effect on 15 November 2021. The two Ministerial Regulations are legal products derived from Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

"Import export permits are now easier and faster with the integration of the INATRADE system with the INSW system," explained Plt. Director General of Foreign Trade, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana, quoted from Antara, Sunday.

With the enactment of the two new regulations, there has been an important change in import-export licensing in the form of the implementation of the Single Submission (SSm), namely the application for licensing is done through the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) System. The goal is to have data that is integrated between K/L and becomes a data superset to eliminate repetition and duplication.

The INSW system, continued Wisnu, is a hub for the licensing service system in all relevant K/Ls. So that business actors no longer need to open relevant K/L portals to meet licensing requirements, especially in the export and import fields.

"In addition to speed and convenience, the export-import business license issued with the Single Submission (SSm) system also uses digital signatures and barcodes to guarantee the authenticity and security of data and information in business licensing documents," explained Wisnu.

According to Wisnu, at the beginning of the implementation of the licensing SSm, there were still obstacles in system integration in the form of data elements sent through the INSW system that did not match the elements in the INATRADE system. This causes the application submitted by the business actor to not be sent to the INATRADE system and cannot be processed further. However, the Ministry of Trade and the National Single Window Institution (LNSW) continue to coordinate technically, and currently the licensing process has started to run normally.

In addition, when the licensing system was implemented, many business actors were not used to using the new system. To overcome this, both LNSW and the Ministry of Trade carry out socialization, assistance, and consultation through the Zoom application, as well as guidance through video tutorials.

As of December 11, 2021, at 19.00 WIB, out of 4,548 applications that have entered the INSW system, a total of 3,882 applications have been received by INATRADE. From the number of applications received by INATRADE, 2,032 applications were rolled back because they were incomplete and did not meet the requirements, 1,608 applications had been issued, and the rest were still in process.

"The licensing constraints faced today are not caused by regulations, but because business actors are not accustomed to using the SSm licensing system," he added.

Wisnu added, with these two new Ministerial Regulations, all regulations in the previous Minister of Trade related to exports and imports have now been revoked and declared no longer valid. However, business licenses that have been issued based on the previous regulations are declared to remain valid until their validity period ends.

Details regarding this provision are regulated in Article 49 and Article 50 of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 19 of 2021 for business licensing in the export sector; and Article 52, Article 53, and Article 54 of the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 20 of 2021 for business licensing in the import sector.

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