JAKARTA - PT PGN Tbk described seven collaborations in the use of natural gas that have the potential to provide clean and environmentally friendly energy or Green Energy.

As a Pertamina gas subholding, this collaboration is in line with the vision of Holding Oil and Gas Pertamina Group, namely Go Global in an effort to expand foreign business, as well as support the Indonesian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.

PGN Director of Sales and Operations Faris Aziz detailed that the first collaboration was the Arun Lhoksheumawe Special Economic Zone (SEZ) where PGN supports industry and the development of the SEZ through LNG regasification, LNG/LPG Hub, LNG trading, and Mini LNG Plants. LNG was developed in the SEZ so that it can become cleaner and environmentally friendly energy.

"The next collaboration is LNG Bungkering as a PGN initiative to support Indonesian ships (shipping) through LNG with the bunkering method, considering Indonesian waters are strategic for international shipping routes," Faris said in an official statement, Sunday, November 7.

Third, gas for the marine sector. In this project, PGN prepared a roadmap for the use of CNG and LNG for the sea transportation sector in Aceh, Banten, Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya and Balikpapan. This project is also in line with Indonesia's geographical conditions and efforts to reduce emissions.

Fourth, gas for power plants is in accordance with Ministerial Decree 13/2020. PGN supports investment and infrastructure development for gas supply in the central and eastern parts of Indonesia. Fifth is the development of natural gas based on the methanol industry to support biofuel production through joint ventures and feasibility studies. Gas production in Indonesia is estimated at 8.2 – 9.3 BSCFD in 2025-2040 which has the opportunity to be processed as methanol and meet demand.

"Sixth, namely the development of household gas lines. When PGN serves more than 600,000 SRs and will seek to build 1 million SRs of gas grids per year. Located in more than 50 cities/regencies, it is targeted that by 2024, 4 million SRs can be connected," he said. .

The last project is the development of biomethanol. Green energy in the form of biomethanal has the potential to reduce emissions by replacing the use of fossil oil. Biomethanol is processed from palm oil liquid waste called POME. If left untreated, POME can harm the environment.

"All of these investment initiatives are in line with the commitment to support the government's targets for reducing carbon emissions as stated in the Paris Agreement and the COP-26 Conference," said Faris.

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