JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia greatly affected the rate of growth of the economic sector, one of which was significantly affected by the tourism sector. The growth rate of the tourism sector in Bali decreased significantly, with a decline in the number of tourists reaching 99.99 percent during January-September 2021 compared to the previous year.

Of course, this decline will also have an impact on Bali's service export receipts. The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI)/Indonesia Eximbank as the Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, which is mandated to support the acceleration of the recovery of the tourism sector as part of the National Economic Recovery (PEN).

Therefore, the Government through PMK No. 32 of 2021 assigned LPEI together with other SMVs, namely PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PT PII) as guarantors for the provision of additional Working Capital Loans to be channeled by banks to corporate business actors.

"The Government Guarantee Program or JAMINAH is also given to the tourism sector, especially HOREKA or Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes. The coverage can reach 80 percent. This program is the government's real commitment to support the recovery of one of the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," said the Executive Director of LPEI, Daniel James Rompas at the "Anjangsana of Government Guarantee Support for the Acceleration of HOREKA Recovery in Bali", quoted Sunday, November 7th.

On this occasion, LPEI gave government guarantee certificates to Bank Mandiri, BNI, Permata and BPD Bali on behalf of PT Griyabali Dwipa, PT Hotel Citra Rapi, PT Sixty Six Paradise Investasi, and CV Santrian Beach Cottages. JAMINAH provides access to financing facilities worth Rp166.1 billion to eight hotels. It is estimated that more than 4 thousand workers will be involved from the JAMINAH program in the tourism sector, especially HOREKA.

The Governor of Bali, represented by Plt. The Head of the Tourism Office, Mr. Tjok Bagus Pemayung, A. Par, MM, appreciated the steps taken by LPEI and the Government, especially the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, in providing a stimulus for the Bali Tourism sector which has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic for more than 1 year.

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He hopes that the JAMINAH program can significantly accelerate the recovery of the tourism sector, especially HOREKA in Bali and its impact can be felt in real terms by the Balinese people, the majority of whom make the tourism sector a source of livelihood.

In general, the realization of JAMINAH until the end of October 2021 reached Rp. 2.6 trillion for 17 industrial sectors, including; automotive, construction, agriculture, financial services, fisheries, medicine & cosmetics, hotels, footwear and mining with employment reaching 61,129 people.

The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank has also collaborated with 29 banks to realize the distribution of the JAMINAH facility. In addition, Pefindo the Credit Bureau was also involved to assist in the assessment process for the distribution of the JAMINAH facility.

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